Working from home, that was the dream, wasn’t it? An arrangement that allowed the modern worker to juggle household chores with Zoom meetings, care for children whilst writing reports, avoid the rush hour traffic and perpetually wear pyjamas, all whilst dodging office small-talk altogether.
It was a dream that many companies have opted for in the last few years, some foregoing an office space entirely in favour of the newfound remote-work luxury. But at what point do such perks lose their charm?
The reality is remote workers are beginning to miss the socialisation and productivity that comes with going into the office and are searching for solutions as a result. However, not everyone is on the same page.
If your boss is approaching the argument on office spaces with “What’s the point?” It sounds like it might be time to talk to those in charge about what FlexSpaces have to offer and how coworking can best complement the hybrid work model.
Without further ado, here is: how to tell your boss you’ve had enough of home.
Get colleagues onside…
If you’re feeling ready to commute home armed with the ability to tell your [partner/children/housemates/parents] all about your day rather than having them bear witness, the feeling is probably mutual.
Try to gauge how your colleagues are feeling on the matter too. Whilst by no means are employees ready to come back 5 days a week, in fact, 74% want to remain remote 3 days a week, but the option to attend a dedicated focus space nearby, is certainly in high demand.
Studies by PwC Australia surveyed 1000 employees and highlighted the top three most compelling reasons to head back to the office:
- 44% want the opportunity to work in the same space as colleagues
- 42% wish to come together for social events
- 34% need access to more adapt and faster technology than home
Isolated though you may feel, the benefits of going back to an office space are apparent to many modern workers. The key now is to find a solution in alternative workplaces that adhere to all flexible needs.
Come armed with the facts…
Did you know? In early November 2021, Portugal passed a law prohibiting employers from contacting employees about work matters after work hours. This was an attempt to set a clear, legislated boundary between work and home life and it implies that this is a major problem.
Working from home does not come without similar consequences, since its rise in popularity there has been the challenge in distinguishing between personal and personnel, as often career and life craziness are occurring simultaneously in the same space. This lack of separation can lead to decreased engagement and strains on relationships and overall health.
This is not to suggest that it is time to return to the office full-time but merely to recommend FlexSpaces as a viable option when you need to escape your home that wears many hats (office, playground, recharge station).
Consider requesting day passes for a FlexSpace, as a means to work in a distraction-free environment and perhaps see some new faces.
Prepare a rebuttal…
“But nobody wants to commute anymore!”
Commute avoidance is a promising counterargument, nevertheless, this is an opportunity to explore all the geographical perks of FlexSpaces, particularly that which explains there could be a coworking space right in their suburb!
For this part of the conversation, it is worthwhile mentioning the “15-minute city” concept, which was first inspected by French Professor Carlos Moreno and has already been implemented in Paris. It is a notion that responds to public transport disappointments and traffic terrors by amalgamating living, working, shopping, healthcare, education and entertainment all within a 15-minute walk or cycle of each other (extra points for eco-friendliness).
Whilst it is not wise to expect your boss to redesign an entire city, perhaps considering a more convenient commuting choice for employees is not an unreasonable demand. Whether it’s Brookvale, Bondi Junction, Woden or Mandurah, chances are, there is a WOTSO a lot closer to your home suburb, children’s school and local gym than your old CBD office. Thus creating an easy solution to balancing both desires to escape the commute and the house.
Wrap it up!
If home has become the habitat for all aspects of work, rest and play there is no better time than now to reintroduce some new settings into your spatial dimensions.
Whether it’s to reconnect with your team, escape the home office or shorten the commute, the overwhelming perks of WOTSO and its FlexSpaces are enough to convince any boss that it is time to go back….
And if all else fails, it never hurts to mention the complimentary Thursday afternoon beers.